Tuesday 24 April 2012

Doing, being, becoming, and belonging

the occupation that I have chosen for the participation in occupation course is food. this includes all of the different stages; eating, preparing, gathering, growing, shopping for, sharing, celebrations involving food. in my slide share I have picked photos from the many different occasions that we have had celebrations, grown our own food and just spent time together bonding whilst making food. i thought that the subject of food was a good one to pick because throughout my life it has always been a way to bring people together and i have had experience of how well it works as an activity on placement. on my second placement i was in a setting with people who have mental and/or physical disabilities we often used cooking as on of the activities that we carried out daily it let the clients pick what they wanted to make do the hard work of making it themselves and having a finished product to show and eat at the end.

the definition of doing- "the activities in which a particular person engages" this means to me that doing is what you the activities that you carry out each day the way in which you occupy your time. definition of being-"living: being alive" this means to me the way that you feel alive the things you do to enjoy life. you only live once. the definition of belonging is "Be rightly classified in or assigned to a specific category" to me this means the social group you belong to the company you belong to your family that you belong to it is where you fit in with the people around you and feel that you belong together. the definition of becoming is "the process of coming to be something or of passing into a state" to me this means what your going to come to be in the future what you are going to achieve. in the slide of photos I have put up I have tried to show all of these words through the theme of food. in number 2 me and my family cooking over a camp fire this shows us doing as we had to set up the camp fire find sticks long enough to cook our sausages on and then we had to cook them another picture that I think shows doing is number 19 family cooking this shows the family doing the cooking together. I think that number 3 my sister eating the left over cooking shows being it portrays the essence of being, able to take time to just sit and eat yummy chocolate cooking. I think that the pictures that mostly portray becoming are number 1 me on my birthday with my birthday cake, number 15 Jakes birthday and number 9 Helens birthday all show becoming. these pictures show that food can represent an occasion such as the ones shown in these pictures, becoming a different age the two pictures that i think show belonging are number 19 cooking with friends and number 4. number 19 shows a group of friends eating tea together belonging in a group. i also think that number four shows this as it is my family together cooking a meal and belonging in a family
when picking these images i made sure with my family and friends that it was alright with them if I use these pictures of them on my blog for the class that i am taking.i made sure that i had their consent before i put the pictures online and used them in this blog. another ethical consideration i thought about was not using anyone in the pictures last names so that they stay anonymous to the people that will be seeing this blog. and the last one that I considered was that the people in these photos had to view them and be fully aware of what they are being used for on this blog before i put them up.

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