Thursday 26 April 2012

Information technology

This blog for my participation in occupation class will be about information technology and ethical issues. The definition of information “Facts provided or learned about something or someone” (oxford, 2008). The definition of technology is “Machinery and equipment developed from such scientific knowledge” (oxford, 2008) and the definition of information technology is "the branch of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to retrieve and store and transmit information" ( me these definitions mean that we use all different types of technology to communicate with the rest of the world and it shows how we keep moving into the future with the new technology that comes out on a regular basis. These definitions cover what information technology and also break down what each word is too.

In today’s modern day society information technology has become completely vital to everyday life. It is how we keep in contact, do our work, spend our leisure time, how we spend time with our family, how we look at the dollar, how we read the news, and how we see the weather. If someone doesn’t know anything their first reaction is to Google it. Technology has become so vital to us today there would be alot of people who wouldn’t get through a day without it.

On a daily basis I use many different types of technology, my computer to keep in touch with people, do my work, and to spend leisure time. I also use my cell phone daily I hardly ever now hand write letters I just call people on my phone. I am so comfortable using this technology that I wouldn’t be able do alot of things without it.

Throughout my placements I have seen many flash pieces of technology that are making occupational therapists jobs easier, new things like hoists and ipads are revolutionising  the OT industry. When I was on placement there was a brand new sensory room they had heaps of new technology that made the clients more eager to co-operate with the OT. Even the new iphone has revolutionised the industry with is state of the art hands free technology. I can only see the technology part of our industry expanding in the future. I think that a great understanding of IT is important in this profession as it is only going to keep expanding and we will need to keep up with it to stay at the top of profession.
When using information technology it’s key to remember that you need to have others permission to put photos or information on the internet.

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